
Create Column Add a Gadget (ADD PAGE ELEMENT) under the header

Create Column Add a Gadget (ADD PAGE ELEMENT) under the header

Go Widget - After seeing that lay under the column header aiklan code is much more efficient, so this time I wanted to share tutorials Create 1 Column Add a Gadget (ADD PAGE ELEMENT) under the header

And to add or create columns add gadgets (add page element) under the header was not as difficult as I imagined

Yes. Even after I tried to somewhat personalized code, apparently to make more than one column Add Gadget under the header also feels so easy. Want to know how? Take a look at the tutorial below.

it's easy, is as follows:

1. Login to your Blogger Account >> layout >> Edit HTML

2. As a precaution when edit it later on the outcome of things are not liking, then first download the initial template, so that we can restore the original template as a way to upload (upload) the initial template has been downloaded previously.

3. After searching the code ]]></ b:skin> and add the following code above:

CSS - Go Widget

#under_header{ width:970px; }

4. After that find the line of code following (or similar, depending on the model template you are using

HTML - Go Widget

<div id='header-wrapper'>
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidget="1" showaddelement="no">
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='Blog Name (Header)' type='Header'/>

5. And add the following code under the code above:

HTML - Go Widget

<div id="under_header">
<b:section class='header' id='underheader' preferred='yes'/>

6. so that the composition of the code would be as shown in the figure below:

Create Column Add a Gadget (ADD PAGE ELEMENT) under the header

7. Then click SAVE TEMPLATE, and check on whether the column Page Element Add a Gadget newly created already appeared under the header as shown in the first image above.

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