What is the use of anti
IFrame this script ?
Script anti IFrame is
pointless to break the iframe function itself. A simple analogy like this, I
have an image that has been indexed by Google Image, when other people want to
see pictures or images are usually Google Image search results will display a
picture of the front dilatar and sites where such images exist dilatar behind.
In other words, normally we would not be brought directly to the site of the
Well if you have installed
anti iframe script on your blog template when the picture was clicked it will
automatically redirect to the URL directly in your blog. By doing so we will
also get additional traffic from image search results on the Google Image.
Okay, just go ahead. How the
application was fairly easy, copy and paste the code below the above code </
cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
if (top.location != self.location) {
top.location = self.location
With a little extra conditional tag,
anti iframe script above will only work on the blog post page. Therefore, the
latest blogger dashboard will not experience an error. Because the blogger
dashboard page only shows the index / homepage only.
May be useful