
Templete Blog is a Mess, this is solutions

Full Blog Display is a Mess, this is solution

This blog afternoon of failure display (mess) blog who can not read the code auto readmore in the custom template.

After that I try to find a solution on the forum google blogger and find there are some posts that essentially experiencing the same thing that is an error on the display of custom templates. In the post there has been no answer to overcome this error, but after I tried to brain-tweaking themselves even this problem solved

For those who are experiencing similar things, please follow the simple steps below

1. Go to Blogger >> Templates >> Backup template first and then select the default blogger template and leave it like that.

Full Blog Display is a Mess, this is solution


Full Blog Display is a Mess, this is solution

2. The next step is to open an XML template files pal (can be with notepad or other programs), find the code below

CSS - Go Widget

<style type="text/css">
&lt;!-- /*<b:skin><![CDATA[

Full Blog Display is a Mess, this is solution

3. Then replace the code below

HTML - Go Widget


4. Still in notepad, find the code Blog1 replace with Blog2.

Rename BLOG1 to BLOG2

Full Blog Display is a Mess, this is solution

5. Then save the template and try to upload them to the blog.

6. After that will come a duplicate of the blog post, through let alone .. Now open the HTML template >> Edit >> Find and delete all markup Blog1 widget below:

HTML - Go Widget

<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='false' title='Posting Blog' type='Blog'>



Full Blog Display is a Mess, this is solution

7. Save the template and see the results.

Note : If there is a view that is still lacking, add this CSS code in the template

CSS - Go Widget

/* CSS Fix Layout temporary */
.date-header {visibility:hidden;width:0;height:0;}

8. Save, finished.

Perhaps this is only a temporary solution than I am, if there are less please could you add in the comments field. thanks.
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